microscopetype | Epifluorescent |
microscopemanufacturerandmodel | Vizgen MERSCOPE Alpha |
objectivename | NIkon plan Apo |
objectiveimmersion | Oil |
objectivena | 1.4 |
objectivemagnification | 60x |
detectortype | sCMOS camera with 2048 x 2048 pixel sensor |
detectormodel | Hamatsu orcaflash 4.0 |
illuminationtypes | 5 lasers |
illuminationwavelength | 405, 475, 545, 635 and 750 nm |
detectionwavelength | 776nm,671nm,572nm,525nm,422nm |
sampletemperature | 25C |
localid | UCSFi001-A |
species | Human |
ncbitaxonomy | NCBI:txid9606 |
age | 30.0 |
ageunit | year |
sex | Male |
genotype | CRISPRi targeting of 127 autism spectrum disorder (ASD) risk genes via dCas9-KRAB and MERFISH measurement of their effects on 254 genes with published links to ASD |
organlocalid | astrocyte |
organname | brain |
samplelocalid | UCSFi001-A |
atlas | |
locations |
xaxis | left-to-right |
obliquexdim1 | |
obliquexdim2 | |
obliquexdim3 | |
yaxis | left-to-right |
obliqueydim1 | |
obliqueydim2 | |
obliqueydim3 | |
zaxis | NA |
obliquezdim1 | |
obliquezdim2 | |
obliquezdim3 | |
landmarkname | |
landmarkx | |
landmarky | |
landmarkz | |
number | NA |
displaycolor | NA |
representation | |
flurophore | DAPI,NA |
stepsizex | 2.124um |
stepsizey | 2.124um |
stepsizez | |
stepsizet | |
channels | |
slices | |
z | |
xsize | 2960.0 |
ysize | 2960.0 |
zsize | |
gbytes | 15438 GB |
files | 306374.0 |
dimensionorder |